Old Rhode Island Recipe Books

BREAD PUDDING from an Old rHoDe iSlaNd rECipe BOok

Back when the peepers were peeping and the nights were warm my aunts came to visit and brought me a tub of my grandmother’s recipes.  There were so many vintage recipe books, some dating  back to the 30’s. I just love to pretend I am…

HOLD ON!  (mjkuy,7) my cat was typing there, I wonder what (mjkuy,7) means; probably dish me out some of that wet food you have been giving me to get me fat even though it makes you gag!  thanks for doing that for me-Felix age 17!

so….I was saying, well  that to make it short I LOVE thinking about the past and what it was like.

To me these recipe books were like finding gold and I couldn’t wait to cook from them.  Now some of these recipes are just plain GROSS but I can put my 21st century spring into it or better yet take out the 19th century grossness.

One of the most special books was my grandmother’s recipe book with her own handwriting in it.  She only added a few recipes to it before she passed away in 1998, way too young but they are the ones I remember from christmas as a child.  My grandmother had 13 kids, they were called the bakers dozen.  She cooked and baked a lot.  Christmas Eve was spent at her house where it was JAMMED with people all the aunts, uncles, and cousins.  The woodstove was always roaring in the kitchen and it was soooo hot in there from that and the Zillion people but I LOVED every second, all those people, my family.   I remember she had this huge chest freezer at the other end of the house, there were 2 reasons I was obsessed with that freezer 1. Is that when I opened it to look in it cooled me off and 2. I was enthralled about all that she baked for christmas.  She baked everyone banana bread, fudge, and cookies and it was all stuffed in that freezer. I was amazed.  Christmas Eve at her house is my MOST favorite memory as a child.

A couple weeks ago I baked her white bread recipe from her REcipe book and i had tons left over to turn in to Bread PUddding. I found a bread pudding recipe from one of the vintage recipe books and gave it a go.  Well it was an epic fail, which is life at times.  I have no pictures to show because soggy bread pudding is gross to look at and eat.   The fail was because even though I love recipes sometimes I have a hard time following them.  I was hoPing I could replace dairy milk for coconut  milk in the recipe and well, yOU can NOT!  yuk it separated and was so soggy and just plain gross.  SO the next time I try a recipe I will in fact follow it, I almost promise..

I hope to be back soon until then sending out lots of love.

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